180th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America

Acoustics in Focus — 8-10 June 2021


Due to the COVID-19 situation, the Spring 2021 ASA meeting will be held virtually.


8-10 June 2021


ASA meetings bring together students, researchers, and professionals to share knowledge and exchange ideas on acoustics both in the USA and worldwide.


Attending an ASA meeting is a great way to jump-start or advance your acoustics career, interact with professional acousticians, and to learn more about acoustics in general.


Early Bird

(Date TBD)


(Date TBD)

ASA Members $185 $285
ASA Student Members (with current Student ID) $65 $90
Nonmember Students (with current Student ID) $90 $115


22 February 2021 – Abstract submission: See the meeting website for details, submit here!

1 April 2021 – Lightening Round Submission: See the meeting website for details.

Student Orientation

Learn more about the student-oriented activities and opportunities available at Acoustics in Focus and get oriented to the who, what, and where of the ASA.

Time: Mon. June 7th @5:00PM EDT

Room: Virtual

Event invites will be sent to students registered for the conference.


Student Meet and Greet

Meet fellow students from a variety of acoustics-related disciplines. This event will include “Introduce your Pet”, A Poster Jam with 60-second presentations, and followed with speed-networking rounds and general discussion breakout groups.

Time: Mon. June 7th @5:30PM EDT

Room: Virtual

Event invites will be sent to students registered for the conference.

Student Social

Meet fellow students from a variety of acoustics-related disciplines. This event will include “Introduce your Pet”, A Poster Jam with 60-second presentations, and followed with speed-networking rounds and general discussion breakout groups.

Time: Mon. June 7th @5:30PM EDT

Room: Virtual

Event invites will be sent to students registered for the conference.

The social events will be open to the broader ASA student community, even if not attending the meeting. Please e-mail asastudentcouncil@gmail.com for the Zoom link.

ASA180 Acoustics in Focus:  Introduce Your Pet Signup:  Signup Form

ASA180 Acoustics in Focus:  60-second Poster Jam Signup:  Signup Form