What is the dress code for ASA meetings?
There is no official dress code for ASA meetings. Business casual is common, but it’s also not uncommon to see attendees wearing more casual clothes (e.g., jeans). Whatever you wear, make sure it is comfortable — you may be on your feet for large parts of the day at poster sessions and a full day may last from early morning well into the evening.
What happens on each day of the meeting?
Each day of the meeting is divided into morning and afternoon sessions separated by a break for lunch. Sessions may be poster sessions or a series of talks, typically have some sort of central theme, and last about 2-4 hours. Meetings of the committees and councils of the ASA (e.g., Executive Council, Student Council) will take place throughout the conference as well. During the evenings there are award sessions, social events, and meetings for each Technical Committee (which are open to students). For detailed information about what happens when, check out the Itinerary Planner [available soon].
Are there any special events for students?
Yes, there are a number of student events throughout the meeting! More information can be found on the ASA Students meeting webpage and the main meeting webpage. Additionally, you can find most of the student events by searching “Student” on the Itinerary Planner [available soon].
Can I attend the meeting even if I have nothing to present?
Absolutely! Attending an ASA meeting does not require you to be a presenter. Plus, not presenting will give you more time to see great talks in your field and get involved in the activities which take place throughout ASA meetings!
Can my friend/SO/family member attend the meeting with me?
The Accompanying Persons Program allows visitors to attend parts of ASA meetings at reduced cost. Check out the meeting website for more information.
Where should I stay during the meeting?
The conference hotel is convenient and typically has rooms available at a special rate for attendees of the ASA meeting. To receive the special rate, reservations must be made ahead of time (see instructions on the meeting website). The ASA coordinates a room sharing program for those who want to split the cost of a room in the conference hotel (sign up in advance by following the instructions on the meeting website). Alternatively, you can try to find your own accommodations. The ASA Student Council often publishes a list of alternative housing options recommended by local colleagues — keep an eye on the ASA Students meeting page for that info.