Credit: milehightraveler
82nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
Denver, Colorado — 23 – 27 May 2022
Denver Colorado
23 – 27 May 2022
ASA meetings bring together students, researchers, and professionals to share knowledge and exchange ideas on acoustics both in the USA and worldwide. Students are welcome to attend the entire meeting, or just spend a day attending sessions or social events. Key events are advertised below!
Attending an ASA meeting is a great way to jump-start or advance your acoustics career, interact with professional acousticians, and to learn more about acoustics in general.
You can register for the meeting ahead of time or onsite, but pre-registration (see below) will get you a discounted registration fee! Being a student member further discounts your fees. Student transportation subsidies are also offered to offset travel costs. You can register for the meeting online.
ASA Members | $625 | $725 |
Undergraduate Students (with current Student ID) | $25 | $25 |
ASA Student Members (with current Student ID) | $150 | $200 |
Nonmember Students (with current Student ID) | $250 | $300 |
COVID-19 Info
The Denver meeting will be held as an in-person meeting with no options for virtual or hybrid participation (no recorded presentations or live remote presentations). All Covid mandates that are required in Denver at the time of the meeting will be followed by the Acoustical Society of America.
ASA School: Living in the Acoustic Environment
ASA School 2022 will be held 21-22 May 2022 at Hilton Denver Inverness Hotel in Denver, CO, in conjunction with the spring 2022 meeting in Denver, CO (23-27 May 2022).
ASA School 2022 is the Acoustical Society of America event for graduate students and early career acousticians in all areas of acoustics to learn about and discuss a wide variety of topics related to the interdisciplinary theme Living in the Acoustic Environment. ASA School 2022 follows on the success of four previous ASA Schools starting in 2012, and will provide opportunities for meeting faculty and fellow students, mentoring, discussing research topics, and developing collaborations and professional relationships within acoustics.
ASA School 2022 is a two-day course immediately preceding the ASA spring meeting in Denver. The program includes presentations by prominent acousticians, roundtables, demonstrations, and discussion groups to expand on the lecture materials and to foster communication across disciplines and technical areas of acoustics. Social events, including a Friday evening welcome reception, two lunches, and Saturday evening dinner, provide an informal atmosphere for social exchange and further discussions. For more insight, see Acoustics Today articles on ASA School 2012 and ASA School 2016.
POMA Student Paper Competition
POMA is holding a society-wide student paper competition for a POMA submission based on a presentation or poster from the Denver meeting. Up to five student papers will receive an award of USD $300. Additionally, the student paper winners will be noted on the POMA cover page and their article will be promoted in email and social media campaigns. The competition deadline is 11:59 pm Eastern Time, 27 June 2022. For more information, view the POMA Student Paper Competition flyer.
24 January – Abstract submission: See the meeting website for details, submit here!
28 February – ASA School: To apply, send a message to elaine@acousticalsociety.org with the Subject line: ASA School 2022. More Details here!
8 April – Dependent care subsidies: The Committee on Women in Acoustics (WIA) sponsors Dependent Care Subsidies to help offset dependent care costs associated with attending the Seattle ASA meeting. See the meeting website for details.
25 April – Room share registration: ASA coordinates a room sharing program for meeting attendees. Sign up by sending your name, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, and smoker or nonsmoker preference to asa@acousticalsociety.org
25 April – Preregistration: A discount is given to students who register before the preregistration deadline. See the meeting website for more details.
25 April – ASA Student Transportation Subsidy Application: For students who need help defraying the cost of attending ASA Seattle, a student travel subsidy is available. See the meeting website for more details.
2 May – Hotel reservations at discounted rate: Hotel reservations must be made by this date to receive the discounted rate for ASA Denver attendees.
Key Links and Resources

First-Time Attendee Orientation
Learn more about the student-oriented activities and opportunities available at ASA Seattle and get oriented to the who, what, and where of the ASA.
Time: Mon 5:00pm-5:30pm
Room: Governor’s Square 14

Student Meet and Greet
Meet fellow students from a variety of acoustics-related disciplines. Light snacks included!
Time: Mon 5:30pm-6:45pm
Room: Windows Room – Tower Building

Student Outing
Grab dinner and/or drinks and socialize with other students. We’ll meet after the Student Meet and Greet to walk over from the conference Hotel.
Time: Mon 7:00pm-10ish
Location: Lucky Strike Denver

Student Reception
A laid-back opportunity to meet with fellow students in the ASA — free food and a drink included! Sponsored this time by Reality Labs Research, it’s a great networking opportunity!
Time: Wed 6:00pm-8:00pm
Room: Windows Room – Tower Building