Animal Bioacoustics
The Animal Bioacoustics Technical Committee studies the acoustic communication, sound production anatomy and auditory capacities of non-human animals as well as their behavioral responses to environmental sounds. In addition the use of acoustic techniques for population assessment, identification and behavior measurements are considered.
The Animal Bioacoustics Technical Committee Open Meeting is typically held at every ASA meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
For more information, visit the Animal Bioacoustics TC website!

Brijonnay Madrigal
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Brijonnay is the current ASA Student Council Rep for Animal Bioacoustics. Brijonnay’s research focuses on the occurrence of anthropogenic noise in the Main and Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and understanding the spatial and temporal variability of false killer whales and short-finned pilot whales using passive acoustic monitoring. To learn about Brijonnay and the rest of the Student Council, visit the Student Council Page.