ASA Publications’ Engagement Advisory Board Application
ASA Publication’s Engagement Advisory Board is a new initiative to help boost online engagement with ASA authors and readers for all ASA Publications. They are looking for volunteers from the ASA to develop and lead new engagement initiatives, as well as provide feedback and guidance on current online engagement efforts.
ASA Publications’ currently runs Twitter and Facebook pages for The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), JASA Express Letters, and Proceedings for Meetings on Acoustics (POMA). These sites are run independently of ASA headquarters’ sites, although the two social media teams do work together to promote common initiatives (e.g., International Year of Sound events, calls for submissions, etc.).
The primary goal of ASA Publications’ social media accounts is to increase readership of journal content by highlighting current and historical articles of interest, which will increase awareness of acoustics and ASA; the secondary goal is to increase submissions to ASA journals.