The purpose of the Technical Committee on Noise is to increase and diffuse knowledge of noise generation and propagation, passive and active noise control, and the effects of noise. Activities of the Committee embrace the practical and theoretical aspects of noise, in its broadest definition, in all areas of acoustics. Specific interests include the following and similar topics: sound sources, source mechanisms, propagation, perception, prediction, measurement, evaluation, analysis, effects, regulation, mitigation, and legal aspects of noise.
The Technical Committee on Noise Open Meeting is typically held at every ASA meeting on Thursday at 7:30 pm.
For more information, visit the TC Noise website!

Kenton Hummel
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Kenton is the current ASA Student Council Rep for Noise. Kenton’s research looks to utilize machine learning techniques with the goal of better describing the hospital acoustic environment while incorporating occupant perception. To learn more about Kenton and the rest of the student council, visit the Student Council Page.