SONIC Registration [GUIDES] SONIC Registration [GUIDES] This is the registration form for GUIDES for the Student Outreach for Networking and Integrating Colleagues (SONIC) program. GUIDES are experienced student members or recent student members (early-career professionals), need to have attended at least one ASA conference in the past (preferably two), and have a pretty good understanding of the schedule, sessions, events, and relevant technical committee meetings. All participants are expected to abide by the ASA Diversity and Harassment Policies. *Required Full Name * Email Address * Name of School or Organization I am volunteering to be a GUIDE in the SONIC program * I am an experienced student member (current) I was recently a student member (within 2 years) Are you over 18 years of age? * Yes No Are you currently a member of ASA? * Yes No How many ASA conferences have you attended in the past? * 0 1 2 or more Will you be attending the upcoming ASA Conference? * Yes No Which technical areas are you primarily interested in? (max 3) [AA] Architectural Acoustics [AB] Animal Bioacoustics [AO] Acoustical Oceanography [BA] Biomedical Acoustics [CA] Computational Acoustics [EA] Engineering Acoustics [MU] Musical Acoustics [NS] Noise [PA] Physical Acoustics [PP] Psychological and Physiological Acoustics [SA] Structural Acoustics and Vibration [SC] Speech Communication [SP] Signal Processing [UW] Underwater Acoustics Diversity Policy * "I have reviewed and agree to abide by the ASA Diversity Policy" URL for Diversity Policy: Harassment Policy * "I have reviewed and agree to abide by the ASA Harassment Policy"" URL for Harassment Policy: Comments Can be questions, concerns, and/or requests. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ