Dear ASA Student Member: Applications for new representatives to the ASA Student Council from the Technical Committees on Musical Acoustics (MU), Signal Processing in Acoustics (SP), Physical Acoustics (PA), Animal Bioacoustics (AB), Biomedical Acoustics (BA),...
A friendly reminder to students attending the Ottawa conference: If you have pre-registered or are registering on site, you must present your school-issued student ID at the registration desk to receive your badge and conference materials.
The applications for the 2024 Physical Acoustics Summer School (PASS 2024) are now online. For more information and the link to the application, please go to Applications are due by 8 February 2024. The Physical Acoustics Summer...
Dear ASA Student Member: Applications for new representatives to the ASA Student Council from the Technical Committees on Acoustical Oceanography (AO), Computational Acoustics (CA), Engineering Acoustics (EA), Noise (NS), Psychological and Physiological Acoustics...
The Frontiers in Acoustic Metamaterials Symposium will be held on March 20-21, 2024 at Penn State. The technical sessions will focus on computation, elastic/underwater metamaterials, active metamaterials, going beyond the benchtop, advanced acoustic materials, and...