Acoustics Virtually Everywhere: Best Paper Awards

  A number of ASA Technical Committees offer Best Paper Awards to students and early career members who present at ASA meetings. More information about these awards can be found on the ASA website’s Funding Sources page. Below, the results of the Best Paper...

ASA Publications’ Engagement Advisory Board Application

ASA Publication’s Engagement Advisory Board is a new initiative to help boost online engagement with ASA authors and readers for all ASA Publications. They are looking for volunteers from the ASA to develop and lead new engagement initiatives, as well as provide...

Virtual Coffee Break

We invite you to join us for a Virtual Coffee Break, an informal gathering for ASA students to meet and visit with each other virtually, hosted by a rotating selection of two of your ASA Student Council members. Each one-hour hang-out will have a discussion topic to...

ASA San Diego Best Paper Awards

ASA San Diego Best Paper Awards   A number of ASA Technical Committees offer Best Paper Awards to students and early career members who present at ASA meetings. More information about these awards can be found on the ASA website’s Funding Sources page. Below, the...

ASA Student Council Update

Introduction from the Student Council Chair Greetings! For those who I haven’t met in person, my name is Kieren Smith and I am the current chair of the Acoustical Society of America Student Council. We on the council wanted to reach out about ASA student events and,...

ASA Louisville Best Paper Awards

ASA Louisville Best Paper Awards   A number of ASA Technical Committees offer Best Paper Awards to students and early career members who present at ASA meetings. More information about these awards can be found on the ASA website’s Funding Sources page. Below,...